
Found 368 results
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Wilczek, F., {FAMILY SYMMETRIES}, , 1985.
Wilczek, F.., {Fantastic realities: 49 mind journeys and a trip to Stockholm}, , 2006.
Wilczek, F., {Fermi and the elucidation of matter}, , 2001.
Babu, K.S.., J. C. Pati, and F. Wilczek, "{Fermion masses, neutrino oscillations, and proton decay in the light of Super-Kamiokande}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B566, pp. 33-91, 2000.
Goldhaber, A. S., R.. MacKenzie, and F. Wilczek, "{FIELD CORRECTIONS TO INDUCED STATISTICS}", Mod.Phys.Lett., vol. A4, pp. 21, 1989.
Turner, M. S., F. Wilczek, and A.. Zee, "{Formation of Structure in an Axion Dominated Universe}", Phys.Lett., vol. B125, pp. 35, 1983.
Wilczek, F., "{Foundations and Working Pictures in Microphysical Cosmology}", Phys.Rept., vol. 104, pp. 143, 1984.
Wilczek, F., {Four Big Questions with Pretty Good Answers}, , pp. 79-97, 2004.
Wilczek, F., {Four big questions with pretty good answers}, , pp. 79-97, 2002.
Wilczek, F., {Fractional quantum numbers: a conceptual introduction}, , 1990.
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Wilczek, F., {Fractional statistics and anyon superconductivity}, , 1990.
Arovas, D.., J.R.. Schrieffer, and F. Wilczek, "{Fractional Statistics and the Quantum Hall Effect}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 53, pp. 722-723, 1984.
Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, {From B Modes to Quantum Gravity and Unification of Forces}, , 2014.
Wilczek, F., "{From concept to reality to vision}", Eur.Phys.J., vol. C33, pp. S1-S4, 2004.
Wilczek, F., "{From 'not wrong' to (maybe) right}", Nature, vol. 428, pp. 261, 2004.
Wilczek, F., "{From notes to chords in QCD}", Nucl.Phys., vol. A642, pp. 1-13, 1998.
Wilczek, F., {From the standard model to dark matter}, , 1994.
Wilczek, F., {Fundamental Constants}, , 2007.
Wilczek, F.., {The future of particle physics}, , pp. 71-96, 1996.
Wilczek, F., "{The Future of particle physics as a natural science}", Int.J.Mod.Phys., vol. A13, pp. 863-886, 1998.
Wilczek, F., "{Future summary: Closing talk delivered at LEPfest}", Int.J.Mod.Phys., vol. A16, pp. 1653-1678, 2001.
Gubankova, E.., E.G.. Mishchenko, and F.. Wilczek, "{Gapless surfaces in anisotropic superfluids}", Phys.Rev., vol. B74, pp. 184516, 2006.
Caswell, W. E., and F. Wilczek, "{On the Gauge Dependence of Renormalization Group Parameters}", Phys.Lett., vol. B49, pp. 291, 1974.
