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Kraus, P., and F. Wilczek, "{Selfinteraction correction to black hole radiance}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B433, pp. 403-420, 1995.
Kraus, P., and F. Wilczek, "{QCD interference effects of heavy particles below threshold}", Phys.Lett., vol. B382, pp. 262-266, 1996.
Kraus, P., and F. Wilczek, {A Simple stationary line element for the Schwarzschild Geometry, and some applications}, , 1994.
Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, "{A SHORTLIVED AXION VARIANT}", Phys.Lett., vol. B173, pp. 189-192, 1986.
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Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, {From B Modes to Quantum Gravity and Unification of Forces}, , 2014.
Krauss, L., and F. Wilczek, "{SOLAR NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 55, pp. 122-125, 1985.
Krauss, L. M., J. E. Moody, and F. Wilczek, "{A STELLAR ENERGY LOSS MECHANISM INVOLVING AXIONS}", Phys.Lett., vol. B144, pp. 391, 1984.
Krauss, L. M., M. Srednicki, and F. Wilczek, "{Solar System Constraints and Signatures for Dark Matter Candidates}", Phys.Rev., vol. D33, pp. 2079-2083, 1986.
Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, "{NEW QUARKS AND NEUTRINO COUNTING BELOW THE Z THRESHOLD}", Phys.Lett., vol. B181, pp. 380-384, 1986.
Krauss, L. M., J. Moody, F. Wilczek, and D. E. Morris, {SPIN COUPLED AXION DETECTION}, , 1985.
Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, "{Using Cosmology to Establish the Quantization of Gravity}", Phys.Rev., vol. D89, pp. 047501, 2014.
Krauss, L. M., and F. Wilczek, "{Discrete Gauge Symmetry in Continuum Theories}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 62, pp. 1221, 1989.
Lane, K. D., S.. Meshkov, and F. Wilczek, "{Possible Interpretation of a New Resonance at 8.3-{GeV}}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 53, pp. 1718, 1984.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Classical hair in string theory. 1: General formulation}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B475, pp. 627-644, 1996.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Resolution of cosmological singularities}", Phys.Rev., vol. D55, pp. 4591-4595, 1997.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Internal structure of black holes}", Phys.Lett., vol. B375, pp. 37-42, 1996.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Geometric entropy, wave functionals, and fermions}", Annals Phys., vol. 243, pp. 280-298, 1995.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Renormalization of black hole entropy and of the gravitational coupling constant}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B458, pp. 249-266, 1996.
Larsen, F., and F. Wilczek, "{Classical hair in string theory. 2: Explicit calculations}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B488, pp. 261-281, 1997.
Lee, J., and F. Wilczek, "{Algebra of Majorana Doubling}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 111, no. 22, pp. 226402, 2013.
Levien, R., C. Nayak, and F. Wilczek, {Space-time aspects of quasiparticle propagation}, , 1994.
Li, L.F.., and F. Wilczek, "{PHYSICAL PROCESSES INVOLVING MAJORANA NEUTRINOS}", Phys.Rev., vol. D25, pp. 143, 1982.
Li, L.F.., and F. Wilczek, "{Price of Fractionally Charged Particles in a Unified Model}", Phys.Lett., vol. B107, pp. 64, 1981.
W. Liu, V., F. Wilczek, and P. Zoller, "{Spin dependent Hubbard model and a quantum phase transition in cold atoms}", Phys.Rev., vol. A70, pp. 033603, 2004.
