
Found 368 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Wilczek, F., {Fermi and the elucidation of matter}, , 2001.
Wilczek, F., "{Future summary: Closing talk delivered at LEPfest}", Int.J.Mod.Phys., vol. A16, pp. 1653-1678, 2001.
Wilczek, F., "{Learning from QCD}", AIP Conf.Proc., vol. 588, pp. 13-33, 2001.
Alford, M. G., K. Rajagopal, S. Reddy, and F. Wilczek, "{The Minimal CFL nuclear interface}", Phys.Rev., vol. D64, pp. 074017, 2001.
Feng, J. L., K. T. Matchev, and F. Wilczek, "{Particle and astroparticle searches for supersymmetry}", eConf, vol. C010630, pp. P309, 2001.
Wilczek, F., "{Precision precession}", Nature, vol. 410, pp. 28-29, 2001.
Feng, J. L., K. T. Matchev, and F. Wilczek, "{Prospects for indirect detection of neutralino dark matter}", Phys.Rev., vol. D63, pp. 045024, 2001.
Feng, J. L., J. March-Russell, S. Sethi, and F. Wilczek, "{Saltatory relaxation of the cosmological constant}", Nucl.Phys., vol. B602, pp. 307-328, 2001.
Wilczek, F., "{Scaling Mount Planck I: A view from the bottom}", Phys.Today, vol. 54N6, pp. 12-13, 2001.
March-Russell, J., and F. Wilczek, {Depilating global charge from thermal black holes}, , 2002.
Wilczek, F., {Four big questions with pretty good answers}, , pp. 79-97, 2002.
Feng, J. L., P. Fisher, F. Wilczek, and T. M. Yu, "{Observability of earth skimming ultrahigh-energy neutrinos}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 88, pp. 161102, 2002.
Wilczek, F., {Some basic aspects of fractional quantum numbers}, , 2002.
Wilczek, F.., {What QCD tells us about nature}, , pp. 243-264, 2002.
Wilczek, F.., "{Analysis and synthesis. I: What matters for matter}", Phys.Today, vol. 56N5, pp. 10-11, 2003.
Gubankova, E., V. W. Liu, and F. Wilczek, "{Breached pairing superfluidity: Possible realization in QCD}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 91, pp. 032001, 2003.
W. Liu, V., and F. Wilczek, {Comment on `Superfluidity in the interior gap states'}, , 2003.
Jaffe, R. L., and F. Wilczek, "{Diquarks and exotic spectroscopy}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 91, pp. 232003, 2003.
W. Liu, V., and F. Wilczek, "{Interior gap superfluidity}", Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 90, pp. 047002, 2003.
Wilczek, F., "{Inventory and outlook of high-energy physics}", Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl., vol. 117, pp. 410-430, 2003.
Wilczek, F., "{Opportunities, challenges, and fantasies in lattice QCD}", Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl., vol. 119, pp. 3-12, 2003.
Wilczek, F., "{QCD and natural philosophy}", Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 4, pp. S211-S228, 2003.
Wilczek, F., "{A Constructive critique of the three standard systems}", Czech.J.Phys., vol. 54, pp. A415-A427, 2004.
Wilczek, F., {Diquarks as inspiration and as objects}, , pp. 322-338, 2004.
Wilczek, F.., "{The Dirac equation}", Int.J.Mod.Phys., vol. A19S1, pp. 45-74, 2004.
