Past Events
In March 2014, scientists working on the BICEP2 telescope at the South Pole reported an incredible discovery: a swirling pattern in the cosmic background radiation that appeared to indicate the presence of gravitational waves. But do these ripples in space-time hold up under further scientific scrutiny? See a panel of world-class researchers weighing the evidence at "Ripples From the Big Bang: Listening to the Beginning of Time."
2014 World Science Festival
Causality Constraints on Corrections to the Graviton Three-Point Coupling
6c-442 Center for Theoretical Physics-Cosman Seminar room
The physics of black holes is amazingly rich, with deep connections to basic physical questions that nominally have nothing to do with gravity. For example, the response of a black hole to being kicked is intimately connected to the response of a quantum liquid to being stirred.
10-250 Refreshments will proceed talk @ 3:30 in 4-349